Private Equity

The Challenge

Efficient data extraction from financial statements is crucial for Private Equity (PE) firms to grow and adapt in fast-paced markets. The slow and labour-intensive nature of manual data entry hampers scalability. Therefore, PE firms are beginning to turn to solutions for capturing complex, high-volume financial statement data.

However, maintaining quality will be a priority when automating data extraction. Quality data enables potential buyers to gain a comprehensive (and accurate) understanding of a company's operations; facilitating more favourable exit outcomes. Therefore, PE demands a technological solution that balances accuracy and speed.

The Solution

We’ve worked closely with our clients in private equity to deliver a specialised solution that just works. Evolution AI’s financial statement solution delivers clean, structured data from financial statements (as well as quarterly and annual reports). Our AI is configured to conduct a series of checks to identify anomalies, preserving data quality. The extracted data is then leveraged to compute key data points like Gross Profit, EBIT, EBITDA and OPEX. In subsequent versions of Financial Statements AI, private equity professionals will be able to readily access debt-to-equity and profitability ratios. 

Seamless integration via REST API means that the data can be directly outputted into the desired repository. Useable, accurate, and efficient, Financial Statements AI is the extraction solution tailored to private equity.

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