Partner Platforms

The Challenge

Establishing a complete platform or service (such as AI-driven lending services or data management platforms) usually involves organising several component technologies into one end-to-end process. However, automating data extraction from financial statements is challenging. Effective data extraction solutions require a massive training dataset (25 million+ documents) and sophisticated training, which is time-consuming.

Consequently, teams trying to meet internal deadlines don’t have time to build a functional data extraction solution. Partnering with a vendor seems like a shortcut, but concerns linger: will they deliver the speed and accuracy your platform needs?

The Solution

Evolution AI offers multiple award-winning data extraction technology under transparent and competitive usage-based pricing. We strive to make our technology accessible: through a third-party connector (like Workato), through automatic transfers, and, most robustly, via API. Our industry-leading machine learning team can integrate our technology into your solution with minimal back-and-forth necessary, responding quickly to any issues.

We have worked with leading partner platforms to enhance their functionality and ensure that their customers get the best possible service. To discuss what we can offer your platform, please book a demo with one of our financial data project managers.

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