Financial Statements

Financial Statements AI

Get early access to Financial Statements AI and help shape its development. Book a call with our financial data team or contact us.
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The Challenge

Analysing financial statements in the financial services industry is a notoriously time-consuming and cumbersome task. Financial statements are lengthy documents, especially when contained in annual or quarterly reports. Using technology to extract complex tabular data generally fails due to variability in page structures.

Many businesses instead rely on employees to trawl the statements and extract the required data. However, manual data extraction is a long-term drain on resources for organisations that should be prioritising strategic initiatives (not to mention extremely tedious for employees).

The Solution

We’ve worked closely with firms across financial services to simplify statement analysis. The result? An advanced and well-trained AI tool that can understand acute financial terminology like a seasoned accountant. Financial Statements AI captures data from financial statements, leveraging it to compute key metrics. The data can then be downloaded as an Excel file instantly.

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Examples of what Financial Statements AI can calculate

Check mark

Cash and Cash Equivalents

Check mark

Marketable Securities

Check mark


Check mark

Accounts Receivable, Net and Other

Check mark

Total Current Assets

Check mark

Total Current Liabilities

Check mark

Total Shareholder Equity

Check mark

Gross Profit

Check mark


Check mark


Check mark

Short-term Debt

Check mark

Long-term Debt


Post-processing rules and calculations

Documents are automatically classified according to type e.g. balance sheet or income statement

Sophisticated handling of units and currency for each extracted monetary value

Ability to make value adjustments


Self-service with unlimited support from our acclaimed customer service team

Process large documents e.g. annual or quarterly reports simultaneously

Sign up in seconds to get started

Why do our team think Financial Statements AI is special?


We're proud to price transparently, with no hidden costs.

Data extraction costs £1.50 per page, and classification costs £0.10 per page.

If you would like to extract from multiple document types (e.g. bank statements, invoices or contracts), please book a demo with our financial data project team.

Why Financial Statements AI?

☑️ A custom-built solution for financial statements

☑️ Simple, adjustable user interface (UI)

☑️ Support for multiple uploads

☑️ Support for poor-quality scans

☑️ No hidden costs

Explore Use Cases via Industry

Case study

A real-time feed of the shareholders of all UK companies for Dun & Bradstreet

2022 - present


Read more:

Case study
Unigestion logo

Asset Manager saves 75% of costs for data extraction from quarterly reports

2022 - present
